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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg
magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms. Light softly filters down onto moss. You feel as if you are a faery in a magical realm full of color and  happy feelings.



gente fey

vida encantada

/ feɪ /ˈfōk /en : of magical creatures

Fey: adj.

supernatural; enchanted: elves, fairies, and other fey creatures.
whimsical; strange; otherworldly

Folk: n.

people that preserve customs, arts and crafts, legends, traditions, and superstitions from generation to generation

a group of kindred tribes

Blue Butterfly


tómate un momento para respirar en el bosque encantado ~ aquí encontrarás espíritus domésticos caprichosos, decoración para que tu espacio se sienta acogedor e inspirador, y una comunidad de coleccionistas tan mágica como tú <3

18 sep 2024, 5:00 p.m.
Feyfolken Shop
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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg
magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms _edited.jpg

Feyfolken Fungi

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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg


Feyfolken surgió de nuestra pasión por el folclore, los animales y las formas de arte antiguas. En nuestra cabaña estudio en las salvajes montañas de los Apalaches, creamos cuentos de hadas. Nuestras esculturas de cerámica son coleccionadas internacionalmente, lo que nos permite ser cuidadores y protectores de un bosque remoto lleno de especies raras y vulnerables. ¡Tus compras y suscripciones lo hacen posible!

Cada pieza es una reliquia meticulosamente diseñada y hecha a mano.

¡Nuestras obras son perfectas para coleccionistas de criaturas, entusiastas de la naturaleza, aquellos que aman la estética cottagecore y todo lo relacionado con las miniaturas! Estamos orgullosos de nuestro compromiso con la artesanía de calidad y la creación de tesoros caprichosos que serán adorados toda la vida.


Feyfolken Homestead 

Hang with the fam at the little cottage in the cliffs

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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg

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magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg

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Support Feyfolken Homestead with birdseed, get early access and exclusive content <3

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Tinyfam Fix

Feyfolken Homestead

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Fairy Notes

USD 14


Cada mes

a beautifully calligraphed note & original art sent to you monthly + all Kinfolk benefits

Válido hasta que se cancele
30 días de prueba gratuita

Calligraphy Poem

Original Drawing, Print, or Painting

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Site Membership + App

Live Wildlife Encounters

Tinyfam Fix

Feyfolken Homestead

Process + Behind the Scenes

Best Value

Specimen Club

USD 23


Cada mes

Rare nature specimens sent to you monthly, perfect for crafting or collecting.+ all Kinfolk benefits

Válido hasta que se cancele

Crystals & Creek Stones

Mosses & Lichens

Ferns & Flowers

Twigs & Barks

Shells & Feathers

App + Site Membership

Early Access to New Releases

Loyalty Rewards

Live Wildlife Encounters

Process + Behind the Scenes

Tinyfam Fix

Feyfolken Homestead

5 out of 5 stars    

First, the packaging and attention to little details was amazing! My bowl was covered in soft green moss to keep it safe during the journey. The tissue paper was wrapped in a pretty flower and it was all very lovely and magical. When I unwrapped everything the bowl was just exquisite! The quality was amazing and everything was as pictured and true to size. This beautiful treasure is an amazing addition to my altar and I love the positive vibes that radiate from it. The handwritten note from the creator was also done with beautiful care and I could feel the care they put into the art I purchased. Cannot wait to purchase from them again!


magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms .jpg
magical forest with jewel toned mushrooms


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